Archive for category: Personal Musings
Jihad, Japan, and the Combat Veteran
, Article, Borderland Philosophy, Combat, Military, Nathan Wagar (Auth.), Personal Musings, ViolenceA philosophical look at combat PTSD through the eyes of Jihad and Kintsukuroi art.
The Hood is Not Coming to Get You
, Article, Law Enforcement, Nathan Wagar (Auth.), Personal Musings, Personal Protection, Professionals, Security, Travel, ViolenceMyth vs. reality regarding where and how violent crime tends to take place
My Buddy Tito, The Violent Criminal Actor
, Article, Law Enforcement, Military, Nathan Wagar (Auth.), Personal Musings, Personal Protection, Professionals, Security, Training Concepts, ViolenceA personal example about violent criminals and some of the misconceptions we have about them.
Podcast #2: The God of War Mentality
, Borderland Philosophy, Combat, Mindset, Nathan Wagar (Auth.), Personal Musings, Podcast, Training Concepts, ViolenceA discussion about people that use generalizations about violence in order to seem more knowledgeable than they actually are.